IT scammers want your like on Facebook

IT scammers want your like on Facebook

Popular posts on Facebook can help IT scammers steal personal information. For many people, it is a habit to scroll through their newsfeed on Facebook and have an equal amount of friends‘ posts and interesting contests and events.

But while it may seem innocent to give a like on Facebook, it can ultimately help IT scammers to trick people to provide personal information, spread viruses and provide false information.

How IT scammers get results

If the IT scammers succeed in posting a competition or event that has received a lot of attention in the form of likes and shares, they can go in to edit the post and add a virus to it. They can also add a payment page from which they want to try and steal credit card information.

That is what Independent writes

IT scammers want your like

Worldwide, there are over 2.38 billion monthly active users, Facebook has become a popular place for IT fraudsters to scam its users.

Facebook has rarely been used to trick people into entering their personal information, but today IT scammers are doing everything in their power to deceive users, says IoT Security Expert Janus R. Nielsen from AnyTech365

False events cheat users

In an event created by IT fraudsters, thousands of English users who have signed up for the „Total Wipeout Tour“ have been cheated. The event has been published in several different locations to different cities to attract users who would be able to get out and try different obstacle courses from the popular BBC TV show Total Wipeout.

In the various events, the enrolled participants were invited to enter their personal information in an online forum in order to participate.

It is very unusual to be asked to enter personal information such as date of birth and email address in an online forum. Therefore, it is a good idea to think about it some extra time when asked to fill in sensitive information online. Always pay extra attention before you sign up for an event or event, unless you know the people behind it. Check if the details and all the information you find appears real or not. If it all seems too good to be true, that’s often the way it is, says Janus.

When the scams are revealed, most of the event pages get deleted.

The likes of Facebook users are also worth money in the sense that IT scammers sell a page further when it has earned around 10,000 likes. The pages are typically sold to advertisers who want to buy the audience.

Also read: Stay safe online; avoid this common CyberCrime trick